Stage 1 of the Home of Throws at Pulman Park (New Zealand)

Thor 10 hammer cage, hammer cage, hammer throw cage , throwing cage athletics

The Bruce Pulman Park Trust in partnership with Athletics New Zealand have just finished building a Throws Centre, for both high performance and community programs, which now hosts our Thor 10 Hammer Throw Cage.

The World Athletics certified Thor 10 hammer cage with 10m high gates and 7m perimeter netting was acquired by Athletics New Zealand.

World Athletics certified Thor 10 hammer cage has a 90km/hr wind rating.

Bruce Pulman Park is a new concept in New Zealand sports, recreational and leisure amenity integration for the community.  Our Sports Facilities are geared towards community excellence at all levels, our facilities encompass world class sports grounds and indoor Gymnastic and Sports Facilities over 64 hectares of spacious park surroundings.


Photographer, Designer.

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